Adult Ministries

Acts 2 lays out a beautiful blueprint for Christians; the early church was devoted to teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Living in a college town, with great food, BCC already has a leg up on emulating the early Christians!

BCC Adult Sunday School class

Adult Sunday School

Adult Sunday School meets every Sunday at 8:45 am in the room at the end of the hall on the right. December Sunday mornings will focus on an Advent study, "The 4 C's of Christmas: Chaos, Clutter, Company and Celebration." Anyone is welcome to join any Sunday morning.  Led by Rev. Shelby Rowan to learn more contact

Wednesday Night Bible Studies

Wednesday Night Bible Studies for adults and youth. Doors open at 5:30 pm for those who wish to bring a snack supper and join in fellowship. The bible studies meet from 6:15-7:15 pm.

  • BCC Adult Wednesday night bible study

    Adult Bible Study

    Advent study for the three Wednesday's in December will be on "The Music of God: In Scripture, in History, and in the Carols." Led by Rev. Shelby Rowan. For more information contact

  • BCC Women's Wednesday night bible study

    Women's Bible Study

    The Women's Wednesday Group is doing a study on Listening to God. Led by Millie LaSalle.

BCC Men's group meeting at IHOP

BCC Men’s Group

The BCC Men’s group meets Wednesday mornings at 6:30 am at IHOP in Bryan. This casual group enjoys weekly fellowship. Stop by any week to grab some breakfast and catch up on what is happening with the men of BCC.

The Men’s group provides breakfast on the first Sunday each month.

BCC Ladies Group

BCC Ladies group is for all Ladies of Bryan Community Church. We usually meet monthly on the 3rd Sunday after church from 11:30 am - 1 pm. BCC Ladies participate in a variety of missions in our community including meals for teachers and staff at Mitchell Elementary and Rudder High School, quarterly birthday parties for the residents of Crestview Unity facility, clothes drives for BVCASA, and more.   

BCC Ladies also provide breakfast on the 3rd and 4th Sundays of the month.

Join our BCC Ladies Facebook Group 

Salty Sisters bible study

meets on Thursdays at noon at Taco Crave in downtown Bryan. This is relaxed study that makes it easy for women to attend when they can while juggling busy work and family schedules. Grab a drink, taco, or both and sit in as we grow in our faith and strengthen our hearts for work, family, and life.

Ladies Contemporary Book Study

meets the third Tuesday of the month (August through May) at 9:15 a.m. in the Senior Citizen's Center, 1402 Bristol, Bryan. This discussion group is open to any ladies in the community. For information contact