BCC Kids

At Bryan Community Church, we value children and know that raising children takes a village. Psalms tell us that children are a blessing from the Lord, and we are deeply committed to investing in the future of our church. For any questions, please feel free to reach out to our children's coordinator, Regan McKinnon at children@bryancommunitychurch.org.

Sunday Mornings

We welcome all children to join in children's time during worship. We have busy bags to help keep our littles engaged and during the sermon, we offer children’s church for 0 -1st grade. On the 1st Sunday of each month, all children will remain in worship.

Guardians should sign their children in before worship starts if they wish for their child to attend children’s church. Children will be escorted out of worship after children’s time during the service. Guardians will need to sign their child out at the end of service in the children’s room. Guardians will be texted if there is a need to collect their child before the end of service. Out of an abundance of caution for safety, children will not be allowed to roam the church once signed into children’s church.


Our very first Confirmation class has started for ages 6th grade and up. Confirmation meets on Sunday mornings at 9 am. Through Confirmation, our teens will learn about what it means to be a Christian, what makes us United Methodist, how to live out your faith, and how they fit into the larger community of faith. Throughout the year, the class will consist of Sunday lessons, mission projects, and some field trips. Each teen is matched with an adult faith friend and a youth faith friend to connect with on this journey of faith. We will celebrate our confirmands on June 8th for Confirmation Sunday. During this special service, our confirmands will make a commitment to serve our church and become full voting members (if they choose).

Sunday Night Live

All kiddos are encouraged to join us on Sunday evenings. We meet at 5:30 pm for dinner with Bible studies to follow from 6 - 7 pm for 4 yrs - 6th grade. Bible studies are a great time for learning and fellowship among peers. Parents are welcome to join the fun by volunteering their time and talents. Children with youth siblings are welcome to stay in the children’s room after their studies until the youth group finishes their time together. Children will need to be signed in and out for these studies. 

Sign up to help feed your youth and kids on Sunday nights

Meal Sign Up
Set sail with VBD at BCC. June 9-13

Save the Date

June 9 - 13th

Vacation Bible School at BCC!!!