wooden cross draped with flowers on Easter Sunday

worship the risen Christ

We are a people striving to love like the Risen Christ, in both our words and our actions. We come to worship on Sunday mornings to learn, grow, and then to be sent out to live out our faith.

We encourage people to come as they are with hearts and minds open to receive the messages God has for them through one another, the music, the message, and our ministries.

As a new church plant, we have a blended style of worship music consisting of both contemporary and traditional music. We love songs heard on Christian radio, but never forget to throw the classics in the mix, with a good ol' fashion spiritual or hymn by our gospel choir.

children and adults dancing and singing at VBS

a joyful noise

All of God's little ones are welcome - just as they are.
As a multi-generational church, we believe that our children are a valuable asset to our church service and there is a children's time designed specifically for them.

And we don't believe in dirty looks. Kids will be kids; they will cry, they will make noise, they will wiggle, and that's more than okay. Some of our adults have been known to wiggle too much too!

  • "Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation."

    - Psalm 95:1

Pastor Jen holding a cake

eat with gladness

We are excellent Methodists - We love to eat!

Every Sunday, we gather early at about 9AM to share a communal breakfast. On the first Sunday of the month, our Men's group makes pancakes. The remaining Sundays, our other ministries take turns bringing breakfast.

All are welcome to attend and get to know their church family. Feel free to bring a dish, or just yourself and an appetite.